
The main function of a sanitary sewer system is to protect water quality and public health. The Wastewater Division manages a series of underground pipes and manholes, pumping stations, and other infrastructure that help convey sewage from homes, businesses, and industries to wastewater treatment plants where the sewage is treated, stored, and returned back to the environment for recreational and agricultural use.

Wastewater System Information

How many sewer lines and manholes do we have?
We have over 200 miles of main lines, 58 miles of laterals, 17 miles of force mains, 3,558 manholes, and 10 sewer lift stations.
Do we have a sewer system management plan?
Yes, you may download a copy.

Live Sewer Smart

Live Sewer Smart Logo

The City teams up with Auburn, Roseville, and Placer County to develop a regional approach to best sewer practices. The Live Sewer Smart group has information and tips for homeowners.